Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Under the sea

So I have never been to a aquarium. I have always wanted to go. I love fish so much! I have been to sea world but it was when I was in 1rst grade and I don't remember much if it. I would love to go back someday. Casey had monday off so I begged him to not study and go with me. It was so much fun Paisley loved it. She was a little scared and didn't want to be near the glass but if we had her far back enough she loved the fish and would talk to them in her own language.
I loved taking pictures of these fish they are so cool looking. One day I will go scuba diving and get really cool pictures.

My two favorite people!


so cool

This one was paisleys favorite.

The penguins were so fun to watch :)

This turtle was HUGE!!! Casey got a cute shot of him. Thanks babe

Another one of Casey's shots so pretty I love all of this little guys colors.

This one made me laugh for a while and everytime I look at him I laugh hahahaha

I had such a good time, thank you Casey for taking us to the aquarium instead of studying your the best!

1 comment:

  1. You three are the cutest little family! I always love seeing pictures of you guys. The fish pics are amazing too. They are so beautiful. I've been to a handful of aquariums, but my pics never, never turn out that good. I'm so impressed they can look so good even with the glass in front. You are so talented!!
